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来源:发布时间:2020-11-27 16:31:06点击率:
Schottky Barrier Diode is a diode based on the potential barrier of metal and semiconductor contact mode. It has the advantages of 0.4 V forward voltage reduction, extremely fast switching speed, short reverse recovery time (2-10ns nanosecond) and so on. The disadvantage is that the reverse leakage current is large, the voltage resistance is low, generally lower than 150V, it is a kind of low power consumption, high current, ultra-high speed semiconductor equipment, mostly used in low voltage situations.
Classified Schottky diodes are divided into two packaging methods: plug-in (DO-41) and patch (SOD,SOT). DO-41 packaged Schottky diodes are generally used as high frequency and high current rectifier diodes, continuous current diodes or maintenance diodes. It has two packaging methods: single-tube and pair-tube (double diodes).
Schottky has three pin extraction methods: common cathode (the negative pole of the two tubes are connected), co-positive (the positive pole of the two tubes are connected) and series (the positive pole of one diode is connected to the negative pole of the other diode).
肖特基二极管(Schottky Barrier Diode)是以金属和半导体触模构成的势垒为根底的二极管。它具有正向压降低0.4V、开关速度极快,反向恢复时间很短(2-10ns纳秒)等。缺点是反向漏电流较大,耐压低,一般低于150V,是一种低功耗、大电流、超高速半导体器材,多用于低电压场合。
分类肖特基二极管分为:插件(DO-41)和贴片(SOD,SOT)两种封装方法。DO-41封装的肖特基二极管一般作为高频大电流整流二极管、续流二极管或维护二极管使用。它有单管式和对管(双二极管)式两种封装方法 。
肖特基对管又有共阴(两管的负极相连)、共阳(两管的正极相连)和串联(一只二极管的正极接另一只二极管的负极)三种管脚引出方法 。