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地 址:广东省东莞市塘厦镇塘厦工业路10号1栋
来源:发布时间:2020-11-21 16:18:14点击率:
Patch magnetic beads are laminated monolithic structures composed of ferrite materials and conductor coils.
Sintered at high temperature with good fineness and high reliability.
The electrodes at both ends are composed of three layers of silver / nickel / solder, which can meet the needs of reflow soldering and wave soldering.
The main function of magnetic beads is to eliminate RF noise existing in transmission line construction (circuit). DC components are useful signals for demand, while RF RF energy is useless electromagnetic interference transmitted and radiated along the line (EMI to eliminate these unnecessary signal energy, the use of chip magnetic beads to play the role of high-frequency resistance (attenuator) the device allows DC signals to pass through, while filtering out communication signals.
However, the general high frequency signal is above 30MHz. Low-frequency signals are also affected by chip beads. Magnetic beads have high resistivity and permeability, which is equivalent to resistance and inductance in series, but the values of resistance and inductance vary with frequency. Compared with the general inductor, it has very good high-frequency filtering characteristics and resistance at high frequency, so it can maintain a higher impedance in an appropriate wide frequency range, and then improve the effect of FM filtering. As a power filter, inductor can be used. The circuit symbol of magnetic beads is inductance, but in terms of type, we can see that magnetic beads are the same in circuit function, but the frequency characteristics of magnetic beads and inductors are the same, but the magnetic beads are composed of oxygen magnets, and the inductance is composed of magnetic cores and coils. Magnetic beads convert communication signals into thermal energy, and inductors store communication and release it slowly.